Happy (You Must Believe in) Spring Concerts and Update
Happy New Year & Green Shoots!
Winter Jazz with Emilie Conway Quartet
RHA Gallery Multi-Sensory Experience & 2 Upcoming Concerts
Jazz on a Summer’s Day at the Lexicon Theatre, June 22, 2023
E. Conway Quartet Celebrates Irish Jazz Stalwart, Double Bassist, Dave Fleming
You Must Believe in Spring with the Emilie Conway Trio March 3, Sandymount Comm. Ctr
Concert This Thursday @ Project Arts Centre: The Roaring 2020s: La Soirée folle
The Musical Art of Piet Mondrian presented by Emilie Conway for the 92NY, New York
Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings
Singing a New Song: Swinging into Summer Fundraiser for Phil
Happy New Year! National Gallery Talk & Tea: Music for Mondrian with me!
"VOICES" of people have a disability, through music, art, spoken word as part of Social Inclusion Week
Launching It All Works Out: E. Conway Qtet & St. Colmcille's School
International Jazz Day, Poetry Day, Awards and Art Therapy Online!
Supporting Artists: from Live to Online ....