DADA: Disabled Artists & Disabled Academics
Campaign for Human & Cultural Rights

Emilie is a founding artist of a new movement, the DADA Campaign for Human and Cultural Rights. Emilie was prompted to become more vocal on the rights of people with disabilities from her own experiences, heightened by the relative absence of disabled peoples’ voice throughout the pandemic, compounded yet again, as the society opens up. DADA stands for Disabled Artists & Disabled Academics attesting to the coterie Emilie’s “speaking up” attracted to her over the past year. DADA’s mission is to achieve greater equity for disabled people by pointing out and challenging barriers to full participate and contribution to the arts, culture, economy and whole of society. DADA aims to achieve this through creation of art that builds public awareness, engaging with media, and building transformative relationships with Arts and Cultural Institutions and Government, see media, for more equitable policy and practice in line with UNCRPD.

If you would like to get involved please email and follow us on Twitter: @DADACampaign

Happy New Year! And 2024 Recap! 

First off, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

2024 was a year of hard work and many positive outcomes for disabled artists. We have been BUSY, and would like to share some of what went on with you all:

Research Expanded on Basic Income for the Arts 
Following feedback from you on the Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme, we raised with the Department of Arts that research was not accurately capturing the experiences of disabled artists, and amendments needed to be made. From this, a researcher was sought in order to develop feedback questions that would capture and reflect disabled artists' experiences. This was an important step in ensuring equity for disabled artists in schemes such as the BIA.


Launch of Safe to Create new ‘AMPLIFY’ research report:
On July 3rd, Safe to Create launched their report ‘AMPLIFY: A Call for Transformative Action’ at the Projects Arts Centre, Dublin.  We can be very proud of this report as funding for it sprung, in part, as a result of DADA's submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts and Culture on a Safe and Respectful Working Environment in 2022 to which many of you contributed. 

The process, intention and articulation of this research was ground-breaking in its inclusiveness and accessibility.  Emilie was an advisor and many disabled artists and arts workers across the arts industry took part in a broad-ranging and rigorous consultation process feeding in right up to the publication of the report. Thank you to all the DADA representatives and members who participated in these consultations. We are very proud of this research, very grateful to the team at Safe to Create who humbly went on this journey with us and we believe it can be very useful in driving progress. 

From the press release:
“The findings reveal that disabled, LGBTQIA+, and ethnically diverse artists and arts workers are experiencing discrimination, exclusion, and other harmful behaviours and challenging conditions in Ireland’s arts and creative sector.”
Read the full press and report here.

Night-Time Economy Accessibility Survey:

The issue of accessibility has been raised many times in response to Night-Time Economy stimulation plans, most recently with DADA reps at the Night Time Economy forum in Jan 2023.  And so we very much welcomed the Department of the Arts nationwide survey to assess the challenges around accessibility to night-time socialising and working in June 2024. Importantly, the survey was open to general response, not only disabled respondents.  Read the full press release on the survey here

The Development of Local and Community Arts Report:
On July 11th, DADA’s Shaun Garry and Jen Harrington attended a session in the Oireachtas, joined by many representatives of arts organisations, for the launch of the report from the Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media on ‘The Development of Local and Community Arts’. This report came as a result of the submission made by DADA in 2023! So thank you!  Look what we can do!

Disability and issues around access to the arts were featured heavily throughout the report and in the questions portion of the launch with Senator Marholm Byrne, Deputy Fintan Warfield and Deputy Christopher O'Sullivan . Many DPOs and charities were consulted for this report including the National Disability Authority, Disability Power Ireland, the Independent Living Movement Ireland and DADA. You can read the report here.


Department of Social Protection Pre-Budget Forum
While Jen and Shaun were in the Oireachtas, Emilie was representing disabled artists at the Pre-Budget Forum on July 11th discussing the submission for the 2024 budget. Building on work with the department ongoing since 2022, Emilie advocated for DSP policy changes, and improvements in provision for disabled people.

Empowering Our Future Conference
Following on from work with the Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities Joint Committee in 2022, Emilie Conway spoke at the Empowering Our Future conference in March 2024.

A joint venture between Dublin City Council, TU Dublin and The Lord Mayor, the conference focused on challenges to employment that disabled people face.  Read more about the conference here. There is also footage from the conference through that link!

National Disability Authority Annual Conference 2024

DADA’s Emilie was both a presenter and a performer at this year’s NDA conference, the focus of which was: ‘Promoting the participation of disabled people in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport in Ireland – UNCRPD Article 30.'
Other organisations and groups that were represented include Arts & Disability Ireland, ILMI, the Blue Teapot Theatre Company, Safe to Create, the Irish Deaf Society, Active Disability Ireland, and many more. The performances and recitals by disabled creatives made this conference really outstanding! 
Videos of the sessions, panels and performances can be watched here.

Other important events from 2024 include another presentation by Emilie Conway at the Agency for Cultural Diplomacy, DADA’s presence at both the Sinn Féin Assembly for the Arts in September, and the State of the Artist in Ireland Conference in May. 
Another exciting development is the All-In Advisory Group: a new scheme across Ireland and the UK to improve accessibility and outcome for disabled, d/Deaf and/or neurodivergent people. DADA are delighted to announce their partnership with this group and look forward to working in such a collaborative initiative.
2024 was a year that showed we definitely have a seat at the table. In 2025, we look forward to further ongoing government lobbying, an artist stakeholder’s meeting (date to be determined) and much more.
We would love to hear from any of you who would like to share your experiences, perspectives and opinions on any of the issues affecting disabled artists. Being able to bolster our actions with the voices of people with lived experience is crucial to change! 
Thank you all so much (not least for reading this very long email), and we hope to see you soon! 

All the best,


DADA Administration

PS: And a note of huge thanks to Jennifer Harrington for all her help with Social Media and admin during the year. Indispensable! Emilie x

December 7,2023 Scrap the Green Paper on Disability Reform
Report by RTE


Read the RTE report on #ScrapTheGreenPaper by Ailbhe Conneely here: Disability payment reform will create 'tiered system'
Watch the full news including this segment here

Artists with Disabilities: Rights, Work & Welfare
Research briefing and policy consultation on proposed Disability reforms

In December the Arts Council held a briefing and consultation around the proposed Green Paper. DADA founder, Emilie Conway was a panelist. Please see the Arts Council webpage here for more info. Please watch videos of the event below.

Panel Discussion: Emilie Conway, Caroline Loughman and Pádraig Naughton, moderated by Andrew Clancy.

The Arts Council’s proposed approach to responding to the Green Paper: Toby Dennett, Arts Council Strategic Development Manager.

Welcome Address: Maureen Kennelly, Arts Council Director.



The Creative Europe Desk Ireland (MEDIA and Culture Offices) will host an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion event called Bridging the Gap - Access and Inclusion to the Arts at the Royal Hibernian Academy Dublin on Tuesday 7th November.

DADA founder, Emilie Conway was delighted to be invited as part of an advisory panel for the design, creation and articulation of this event. In this role, she was delighted to bring in many other disabled artists, artworker and disabled access consultants whose contribution made this event widely accessible event with a great response in attendamce by disabled artists all over the country.

2023 Autumn Newsletter

Good morning colleague disabled artists/artsworkers and allies,

I hope you all had a restful summer and are re-charged for the Autumn.  I always feel it's like a mini-new year so it feels like another chance to take stock and do some re-designing for the months ahead.

In view of that, here are DADA and your activities in the year to date as we move into Autumn. Now this is not everyone and everything - it's just what I could manage today - so sorry if I omitted you.  The point is, we're achieving and we've achieved a lot.  Thank you all for your support, solidarity, advocacy and activism.   Speaking up and speaking out can feel lonely, but you're not on your own.  We're all grateful and with you/!

And, as you see, I'm addressing this email also to our allies, who amplify, advocate for and so support our work. Thank you for your allyship. 

Group pic of attendees to the First Disabled Stakeholders’ Meeting.


Emilie Conway presenting at the First Disabled Stakeholders’ Meeting. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs

The First Disabled Artists' Stakeholders Meeting in June: Ongoing
We met as you know with the Minister in Sept 2022.  Despite our efforts, the follow up was disappointing.  We reached out to Safe Arts of Ireland, SAOI, under whose umbrella is DADA, for assistance and they advocated powerfully with us on our behalf .  In June we received an invitation to the first Disabled Artists' Stakeholders Meeting.  This meeting was very hopeful. 

  • There was renewed commitment from the Dept and others with ommitments to follow up in September on the many issues raised.  Will keep you posted!

  • The Dept also announced this official info on the interaction between Arts and Disability Ireland arts funding and the entitlement to Disability Supports. See here:  Disability payments and the Arts and Disability Connect fund ( 

  • The Arts Council  announced their new full-time access officer so please make yourself and your needs known!

  • The Night Time Economy announced further consultations for September and their engagement with Attitude is Everything.  At DADA we are aware of Attitude is Everything- they're great!

Social Protection  Pre-Budget Forum.
Thank you to Dorothy Laity who attended on our behalf and made several important connections and observations, including while the Minister was in the room!  We also made a Pre-Budget Submission to the Dept of Social Protection.  Please find attached. 

Safe to Create: ongoing
As you know, DADA made a submission to the Oireachtas last year on A Safe and Respectful Working Environment in the Arts,. Please read here  Many of you contributed to this submission which focused on the impact of an absence of structures and understanding, as well as systemic barriers, that impede disabled artists from working safely and respectfully.  

Our submission was taken seriously and so Safe to Create and the Irish Theatre Institute are now undertaking a second piece of research to explore precisely this. I have been invited to contribute as an advisor.  And, there has been an open call for focus groups online and in person which I know some of you have attended.  There will be more coming up and all your voices are important to contribute to this research as it will ultimately feed into policies and structures to make the work environment in the arts more safe and respectful for disabled artists. 

Night Time Economy: ongoing
In January 2023, The Arts Council hosted the first Night-Time Economy Forum in the National Gallery of Ireland.  The forum’s programme was designed to bring together a range of international, national and local perspectives on emerging trends and initiatives in relation to the development of the arts and the night-time economy. The forum set out to encourage new initiatives and partnerships and new thinking around specific actions to support the role of the arts in creating a vibrant night-time economy.

Emilie Conway and Saoirse Smith presented. 
Watch them on the video here. And more info here
We made strong allies at this forum and look forward to follow up in the coming months. 

Art | Disability | Climate Change
Designer of DADA logo the brilliant Tia Vellani presented along with ILMI's Peter Kearns at this very important event. Read more here. Great and crucial that climate justice including disabled people.

Disability Pride and Power July Celebrations and Parade
Huge Congratulations to Maryam Madani and everyone involved with DPI on the trailblazing amazing Disability Pride Month, Our first Disability Pride Parade! DADA was delighted to partner with DPI on holding Dublin's only accessible Karaoke after-party! Read back on all the events here.

Aesthetic Access by Disabled Artists:
I think we're all passionate about this, disability led, aesthetic, participatory access.  I created these things: Solid, Space and Sound at the Ark bringing in blind and disabled children. Multi-sensory tour of Lavinia Fontana at the National Gallery
Multi-sensory drawing day at the National Gallery 

Chronic Collective events
In case you're in Dublin today: Chronic Collective at Project Arts Open DayOpportunity: Deadline Sept 12: Chronic Connections: Networking for sick and disabled artists

Legless in Dublin by Louise Bruton A long-time accessibility campaigner and disability rights activist, award winning journalist, DJ, and writer, Louise Bruton has now turned her observations and info on accessibility into a subscription  based platform.  But it's free for disabled community!   Subscribe here

Writer Brigid O'Dea has several columns in the Irish Times about the issues that affect us.  Read her work online or in print.  Her July article she writes

"The art of disabled artists is as smart, intelligent, challenging, optimistic, irreverent, bold, comforting, hilarious, tasteful and distasteful as that of abled-bodied peers.  Harmonising the Basic Income for Artist Scheme and essential welfare entitlements would bear witness to that." 

Read the full article here: Maud Lewis’s vivid art is no less brilliant for her disability

Writer Aimee Godfrey has published more work.  Follow her on instagram here

DADA supports European Artist Colleague, Evelyne Cynk Campaigning for Right to Travel for Study.

As many of you know, Evelyn Cynk has been campaigning for some time now for the freedom non-disabled people take for granted.  Changing legislation and regulations to support Evelyne's freedom travel to Ireland, retaining the care she needs for her disability and take up her place at her Creative Writing course in UIC, will be a sea-change and a triumph for the rights and freedoms of disabled people.  Evelyne has been campaigning tirelessly and among many of her allies, DADA supports Evelyne whole-heartedly. 

Artists need to be able to travel to grow and share work. 

Disability activist Evelyne Cynk hoping to move to Ireland after accepting place on UCC course

Disability activist 'held hostage' in Germany by refusal of care funding for her emigration to Ireland

Go fund me page: I'm robbed of my European Rights! Please support!

This is a long email now and I'm whacked!  It's not everything - you're all doing so much! But maybe it's enough for now.  Go to DADA instagram for some more photos and videos with huge thanks to  Jenny Harrington.  We'll hold a zoom event in Sept for peeps to catch up!

Kind regards and Happy Autumn to you all !

Emilie, DADA founder


On Tuesday 17th January 2023, The Arts Council hosted the first Night-Time Economy Forum in the National Gallery of Ireland.

The forum’s programme was designed to bring together a range of international, national and local perspectives on emerging trends and initiatives in relation to the development of the arts and the night-time economy. The forum set out to encourage new initiatives and partnerships and new thinking around specific actions to support the role of the arts in creating a vibrant night-time economy.

Watch Emilie Conway on the second panel from 1:41 and Saoirse Smith from 2:13

More info here.


Click on the video above for the RTE News Report

Click her to read the report by Ailbhe Conneely

Listen back to the full report on Morning Ireland here

Events and Documents

There are click through links on the images below so please click on the image.

DADA has made several presentations in Leinster House throughout 2022.

Here is a clip from DADA founder, Emilie Conway, presenting with MEAI on barriers facing disabled artists. Click here or on the image below to watch the video.

Dada give (First Ever) “Performance Briefing” at Leinster House, June 28

Thanks very much to TD Gary Gannon of the Social Democrats who facilitated DADA artists to give a briefing in the AV room, Leinster House on June 28. We quickly turned this into the first ever performance briefing in which, through our art, we informed members of the government, opposition and staff of the SOLUTIONS to systemic obstacles we face in building a career in the arts, as self-employed with a disability. Saoirse Smith, in the video above represented disabled comedians, Carol Ahern represented emerging disabled artists, I represented musicians and performers and we also had a writer. There was great attendance and we would hope it appetite for progress.…. so we hope this leads to change.


Click to watch: DADA Presents at the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Disability Matters October 7, 2021
Emilie Conway and Isolde O’Brolchain Carmody presented on the Topic: Participation in political, cultural, community and public life. We are very grateful for the opportunity to present the issues to the House and we also acknowledge and appreciate the depth of engagement by the Chair, Senators and TDs.

Irish Times report:Disabled artists ‘punished for success’, Oireachtas committee told
We were delighted that our presentation to the Joint Committee was picked up on by the Irish Times with an article that amplified the issues we raised.


Reports regarding Artists and Academics Published on Dec 3, 2021, International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Report 'Ableism in Academia: Experiences of Disabled People & Recommendations for the Future' : .

Time to Act Creative Europe and British Council report on Arts and Disability Access:

Irish Govt Publishes the INDECON Cost of Disability Report

Read Report on HERE


NCFA Pre-Budget Submission Published September 2021
Delighted to see our work has fed into NCFA’s submission on issue 9: Lack of diversity within the arts as a result of systemic barriers to equal participation in, and contribution to, arts and culture.

Music & Entertainment Association of Ireland Pre-Budget Submission Sept 2021: We are delighted to see MEAI take take on tackling the barriers facing disabled artists with their proposal of a pilot scheme for artists with disabilities under their CORE REQUESTS No. 3.

March 8 2021.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Disabled Women Ireland call themselves Disabled to be clear that it is society and its ableist strcutures that disable them. Not their disability. This so true. People with disability broadly cone to accept their disability. It’s part of self acceptance. What is not acceptable is the ableist systemic and systematic structures that keep people with disabilities marginalised. All the positivity in the world won’t manifest a ramp where there is none, or change a wheelchair accessible door from the back of the building to the front. Some of these things are just unkind. Others are wrong and a violation of human rights. And we need to raise our voices to challenge and change. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #choosetochallenge #UNCRPD