International Jazz Day, Poetry Day, Awards and Art Therapy Online!

Good afternoon!

I hope you're al doing well these strange times. Happy Poetry Day!

This Moment

A neighbourhood.At dusk.
Things are getting ready
to happen
out of sight.

Stars and moths.
And rinds slanting around fruit.

But not yet.

One tree is black.
One window is yellow as butter.

A woman leans down to catch a child
who has run into her arms
this moment.

Stars rise.
Moths flutter.
Apples sweeten in the dark.

— Eavan Boland

I've chosen this poem to share with you, in memory of Eavan Boland and also because I think it might recall for many of us, our evening walks through quiet streets, silent but for the sound of footsteps of other walkers, and conversations in hushed tones - while the birds loudly perform their joyous evening's aria with full opera chorus!

January and February are busy times for submissions and proposals to the Arts Council for new projects.  In fact, I had only just come out of my own proposal writing "lockdown" before this real lock down!  But the work, happily, was not in vain!!!  I was awarded the Arts Council's Art and Disability Connect Scheme for New Work!!  Info here  I"m absolutely delighted and so grateful to the Arts Council and ADI for the opportunity.  The work is due next year. I'm going to be busy!! I'll keep you posted.

I've also been selected to join a panel of European artists to participate in PUSH+ Different Bodies in Norway in September.  PUSH+ is especially interesting to me as its aim is to stimulate European dialogue and initiate new artistic ideas and performances around three important topics in performance for young audiences - Home, Failure and Different Bodies. I'm very grateful to the Ark for proposing my participation in this.

It's a strange time indeed and I am conscious everyone has very different circumstances and concerns. I just hope all of you here, that you and yours are doing ok.  

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Actually, in case it's helpful or anyone would like, I"ve used this time to make my therapy website!   You may or may not know, but as well as music, over the years, I've been training as an art psychotherapist.  We all have our journeys, and I've had mine.  Growing up with albinism and a severe visual impairment made me very distinct in the homogenous Irish society of the 80s and 90s.  What I've learned, and continue to learn, has inspired me to want to work to help people with their challenges. So slightly long story short there, I'm running a free online art therapy workshop on Saturday mornings and all are welcome! More information here.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy May Bank Holiday weekend!

Warmest wishes, 


Ps, you are receiving this e mail because you have expressed an interest in keeping updated in my work.  You're welcome at any time to unsubscribe from these newsletters simply by letting me know!

Emilie Conway