July 2016: Album release: Dear World: Emilie Conway Sings Alec Wilder & Sligo Jazz

JULY 2016

Good evening folks

I hope you're keeping well this hot July Sunday evening! Either way and every way, here's a double rainbow from Dun Laoghaire pier a few days ago ...very incredible, wind and rain blowing off the east side of the pier but through a gap in the pier wall to the west side...

a perfectly formed rainbow arcing over the calm dark sea ....

And slowly, its double emerging lightly, but definitely..........

Thanks for coming out to pack the house in JJ's back in May for our album launch. We'll have to do it again soon! Nice little review in the Irish Times. "Thoughtful;" "precise and unmannered," - yes that is what I felt Wilder's songs required. And "top notch band!" Thanks Cormac! You can read the full review here: http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/emilie-conway-dear-world-album-r...

Apologies, some choppy waters have delayed getting the album up on the internet! But the double rainbow and good weather have helped and hard copies are now available from my website here: http://www.emilieconway.ie/secret-of-a-rose

It is also available in Tower records.

And it will be on iTunes and all the internet thingamajig sites any day now. :)

You might also catch it on radio: Blue of the Night, Dublin City FM, LCCR, Limerick, Sounds of Jazz in Reading and a few more ..

I'm getting ready this evening for this year's Sligo Jazz Project. A week's long exciting program of jazz; singers, instrumentalists and classes, starting Tuesday. I'm delighted to be performing:

Wednesday, July 20th, 4:30pm @ Hargadons

DUO with Sandro Gibellini, (guitar)

Saturday, July 23, 4:40pm @ Hargadons

TRIO Myles Drennan (piano) & Dave Fleming (bass)

I was invited to do the Marlborough Jazz Festival in England but unfortunately the dates clashed with another engagement. Nice to be asked !

And finally I meant to get this out in June as it's a just year since we did our fundraiser concert for Molly McNally miracle trust. A little bit of good news and proof what love and care can do: Little Molly is cancer free and back at school - well on holidays now. More information here: https://www.facebook.com/mollymcnallymiracletrust/

So THANK YOU for your part in supporting us play our part in helping Molly. It's a gift to be a part of a happy ever after story. I prefer to help an individual directly, if I can, rather than go through a big organisations which just feel too intangible for me - which is perhaps no bad thing in view of some of the disappointing news about charities of late - though many do great work.

Best wishes and stay in touch!

Emilie x