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SAFE TO CREATE In Person Workshop (Copy)

SAFE TO CREATE is hosting two workshops specifically for artists with disabilities and we are inviting you to attend.


The purpose of these two workshops (one in person, one online) is:
- To provide information on the Safe to Create programme and how to best utilise the Code of Behaviour and other programme elements;
- To get direct input to support the examination of how disability may influence harm within and across Ireland’s arts sector;
- To seek advice from artists with disabilities on the development and design of the next phase of research on dignity at work in the arts. 


Workshop details:

The workshop will start with a brief presentation on Safe to Create and specifically on the upcoming research programme. We will invite those at the workshop to make observations and suggestions to improve the programme for artists with disabilities. The workshop format will be conversational. If anyone attending is not comfortable speaking at the meeting, we are also happy to accept suggestions after the meeting in any format that works for the contributors.